TSA Computer Based Test Prep (CBT) and TSA X-Ray Practice

Pass the TSA CBT Exam

tsa cbt

To join the TSA as a Transportation Security Officer (TSO) you must first pass the TSA Computer Based Test (CBT). In 2023, a NEW version of the CBT is being used - but only at select airports! This article describes how to determine which version of the CBT you need to prepare for and what the new test consists of.

The legacy TSA CBT consisted of questions about basic English skills and X-Ray Object Interpretation. The test is 2.5 hours long. The legacy test will continue to be used throughout 2023 and beyond.

The NEW 2023 TSA CBT presents you with questions about Spatial Orientation, specifically how well you understand 3-D shapes. The test is only 25-45 minutes long. The NEW 2023 TSA CBT is being used for select airports that are receiving new X-Ray equipment. The new machines allow the inspector to quickly rotate CT Scanner images of luggage in 3-dimensions. Read more about the new TSA CT scanners here.

If you are applying for a position as TSO, it is confusing to figure out how best to prepare. There is no information yet on the TSA website regarding this. I guess they want candidates to be naturally brilliant about any test topic!

The TSA CBT is 2.5 hours long and covers two major areas: Your English Proficiency skills and your X-ray Object Recognition abilities.

  • The TSA English Proficiency Test is the first part of the exam and will require approximately 2 hours to finish. The exam consists of multiple-choice questions on high school-level reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, and spelling. This TSA QuikPrep course includes extensive video-based tutorials and hundreds of practice questions targeted to the TSA CBT. It will sharpen your rusty English skills and teach you how to ace this English exam.

  • The TSA X-ray Object Recognition test scares most candidates as none of us have ever been trained to interpret objects in X-rays. This portion goes by quickly - usually less than 20 minutes - since you are only given a few seconds to view an X-ray image and then answer questions about what objects are in the picture. This TSA QuikPrep course includes a comprehensive video-based tutorial that will teach you how to interpret colors, shapes, edges, and baggage components so that you can ace this unique portion of the CBT. After the tutorial, you will practice with 10 different drills that present over 200 realistic X-ray images for you to interpret.

  • The TSA Airport Assessment is an interview at the airport that you will be invited to after you pass the CBT. This TSA QuikPrep course includes a great video-based tutorial on how to pass this critical interview. You will learn about how to prepare, what questions to expect, best responses and what are the two most important personal qualities you must demonstrate.

  • Finally, I also include a tutorial on How to Pass the TSA Background Investigation that is a final step in the hiring process.

In summary, your TSA QuikPrep course includes the following:

  • A complete TSA English Proficiency Refresher Course
  • Hundreds of Practice Questions on English Skills
  • Video-based tutorial: Mastering the TSA X-Ray Object Recognition
  • Over 200 Realistic TSA X-Ray Images for Rapid Identification Practice
  • Bonus: Mastering the TSA Airport Assessment
  • Bonus: Mastering the TSA Background Investigation
  • Instant, Mobile Friendly, Online Access
  • Unlimited Use for a One-time fee
  • Sgt. Godoy’s Personal Support
  • Guaranteed Satisfaction

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