Amtrak Police Written Test

What is the Amtrak Police Written Test?

Use Sgt. Godoy’s test prep to pass the Amtrak Police Officer exam

Use Sgt. Godoy’s test prep to pass the Amtrak Police Officer exam

Amtrak uses the IPMA-HR PO-EL for their Amtrak Police Officer written exam. PO-EL stands for Police Officer Entry-Level exam. It is published by the consulting company IPMA-HR

The 1-hour, 45-minute exam is made up of five cognitive sections plus a Police Interest Questionnaire.

  • Ability to Learn and Apply Information

  • Ability to Observe and Remember Details

  • Judgement and Problem Solving

  • Verbal Abilities (Your use of words)

  • Ability to Follow Directions

How to Pass the Amtrak Police Written Test?

The PO-EL is one of the harder police exams in the U.S. due to the wide range of topics covered. Applicants need a good refresher course in reading and writing. You need to learn how to observe and remember details in photos. Finally, you need to complete your bio data following best practices to avoid getting disqualified.

Applicants need to study with a good prep course.

How to Prepare for the Amtrak Police Written Test?